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Melbourne, VictoriaMelbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia

clock-iconworking hours : Mon-sat (9.00am - 6.00PM)

Canopy Duct Fan Cleaning Melbourne

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Food Production Unit Clean in Melbourne

Food Production Unit Clean in Melbourne

Food production unit located in Mordialloc have called us for their commercial canopy cleaning so we have organize inspection ,upon inspection we have found out that they have six commercial kitchen canopy and they have been very busy throughout the whole year,

As usual the canopy and the fan was cleaned on regular basis but the vertical spiral duct was not.

We have take the measurement and duct width so that way we can organize equipment to bring with us to clean the duct .and then we provides quote for cleaning.

After giving them explanation about the higher cost of cleaning due to extra cost of the cleaning of duct this time as it’s never been clean before they have understand the situation and agreed for the work.

We have choose week end for kitchen canopy cleaning as in this type of food production unit only stop their kitchen in weekend only .also that day all the equipment are not in the use so we can easily cover them as we are approved with HACCP certification so we have to think about safety and hygiene standard of the work.

From the exhaust fan and duct we have collected almost 300 kg of grease which is lot more than expectation ,even the owner was surprise too after checking the amount of grease , we don’t need to show him the photos of canopy , duct and fan as he was there the whole time and watching all the process through the cameras.

With the team of 4 people we have finished the whole job in 8 hours. again happy clients

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