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Melbourne, VictoriaMelbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia

clock-iconworking hours : Mon-sat (9.00am - 6.00PM)

Canopy Duct Fan Cleaning Melbourne

Call to schedule your FREE !0470459272

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Why is it Important to Keep Your Kitchen Exhaust System Clean?

It's barely noticeable certain region of the kitchen that are not effectively apparent to the unaided eye. A kitchen exhaust fan and debilitate channel frequently get a shallow clean or wipe.

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Commercial Kitchen Canopy Clean at Box Hill

We have organize the inspection of the café and we have found out that its located under a residential building and exhaust louver

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Food Production Unit Clean in Melbourne

Food production unit located in Mordialloc have called us for their commercial canopy cleaning so we have organize inspection

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Kitchen Duct Clean in Melbourne

Client call BUSAN EXIBITION , They have open a new restaurant on exhibition street , restaurant have existing kitchen exhaust system and its never had been clean

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Greasy kitchen duct can activate smoke alarm

We got a call from one real estate company from Melbourne CBD , they wants to make an inspection for the duct and exhaust fan .so we have book the timing for inspection.

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Commercial kitchen exhaust fan renting and repair in Melbourne

Clint based in china town, CBD Melbourne, gave us a call regarding to emergency breakdown of commercial kitchen exhaust fan on 22/01/2021 Friday late afternoon.

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How CDF Canopy and Fan Maintenance Company works during COVID 19 Pandemic

In this situation where all the people worried about health and safety about society , we have also taken some crucial step to stop the spread of virus and provide constant service to our client.

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Centrifugal Fan Repair

We got urgent call from client that their fan makes horrible noise and they can’t operate as it’s on top of the residential building

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Kitchen Duct Cleaning Melbourne

We got an inquiry about oil dripping from roof. One of our technicians visited client’s restaurant and checked what the problem was in the exhaust system.

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