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Melbourne, VictoriaMelbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia

clock-iconworking hours : Mon-sat (9.00am - 6.00PM)

Canopy Duct Fan Cleaning Melbourne

Call to schedule your FREE !0470459272

Quick Enquiry

Restaurants Kitchen Duct Cleaning Melbourne

Restaurants Kitchen Duct Cleaning Melbourne

Canopy Cleaning Melbourne Canopy Cleaning Melbourne Canopy Cleaning Melbourne Canopy Cleaning Melbourne

We got an inquiry about oil dripping from roof. One of our technicians visited client’s restaurant and checked what the problem was in the exhaust system. Duct was filled with lots of oil and grease, and was never cleaned before. Oil dripping from duct joint part. So we gave quotation to client.

Client was happy with the quote and we organised cleaning and re-sealing of duct joint part.

Canopy Cleaning Melbourne Canopy Cleaning Melbourne

In this job, the main problem was that the space between the roof and the ceiling was not enough to get in and clean it. So, we had to access the duct from the roof near the exhaust fan.

Three of our technicians worked for at least 6 hours, and removed the oil and grease from the duct. It was almost six to seven buckets of grease inside the duct. After cleaning the duct, all duct joint parts were sealed with strong duct tap as well as we also put oil tray underneath the duct joint part. The pivotal part of the job was duct cleaning Melbourne, instillation of access panel and sealing the duct joint.

Again end of the job very happy clients and next time we are going to make cleaning job there.

Schedule your Canopy Duct Fan Cleaning today! Call:0470459272